What is VStat – Data Control?
Currently, when Information Technology is developing more and more, the demand for entertainment of people is also increasing significantly, especially in iGaming market. Businesses and individuals also quickly recognized the opportunity to focus on developing in this industry. However iGaming always has outstanding development factors as well as potential risks, business units operating in this market have to take the initiative.
“Statistics & Data Control must always be the top priority in the management and development strategy of businesses in iGaming industry.”
The Importance of Statistics & Data Control Service
Aggregating, statistics, and analyzing data can provide an overview of the status, development and potential of each system, giving enterprises and individuals tight control and making reasonable decisions in planning future policies to maintain sustainable development and have timely innovations in the face of market changes.

VStat – Warning Message
With more than 10 years operating in the iGaming market, VStat has created, innovated and provided Statistic Services with practicality and high efficiency for business.
Services system of VStat always receives the trust and satisfied assessment from Customers & Partners. Currently, Descriptive Statistics, Inference Statistics & Statistics Services requested by the Customer are the key services making up development and upgrading of VStat .