Our Service Systems

Service Quality Creates Brand Value
Regardless of the business model and field, data statistics is always a necessary and indispensable service in the development process of each business.
Accurated data sources will provide reliable results, serving for the assessment of financial capacity, operational efficiency and appropriate future policy making.

Accompanying with Customer Development
For large-scale systems, providing information quickly will help to make timely decisions, and improve operational efficiency.
Experienced Technician team with many years in contact with iGaming market will provide maximum support to Customer in decision making and development & expansion system.

Accuracy & Reliability
Automatically updating information of system development indicators and send to Customers and consulting solutions to develop a safer & more stable system.
In addition, with the flexibility in using the most advanced software and tools, VStat has shortened time of data synthesis and statistics while still ensuring high accuracy.

Service Platform Creation & Upgrades
Statistical data, indicators of the system are always done periodically, continuously updating and supplementing the system data.
Using automated BOTs to improve the quality of results reporting and data sharing.
How It Works?
Data Management
Customer Submits Request
Handling Request